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> 教资面试【小学英语】教学设计:《Can you be a friend with me》

教资面试【小学英语】教学设计:《Can you be a friend with me》

2021-06-07 15:29:49 来源: 库课网校 阅读: 6290 编辑: 柳老师



  1. 题目:Can you be a friend with me?

  2. 内容:

  A, E, I, O, U, can I be a friend with you? U, A, I, O, E, can you be a friend with me? A, E, I, O, U, I can be a friend with you.

  U, A, I, O, E, you can be a friend with me.

  3. 基本要求:

  (1) 创设情境,用儿童儿歌的韵律来讲授课文。

  (2) 讲授词语顺序的不同对课文意义的影响和情感表达的不同。

  (3) 设计游戏进行教学。

  (4) 全英试讲,试讲时间 10 分组。


  1. Teaching aims

  1) Knowledge aim

  Students can master the intonation about question and declaration.

  2) Ability aim

  Students’ listening and speaking abilities will be improved.

  3) Emotional aim

  Students will pay more attention to their spoken English.

  2. Teaching key and difficult points

  1) Key point

  Help students to understand the different intonations.

  2) Difficult point

  Help students to practice their oral English with chants.

  3. Teaching and learning methods Task-based language teaching method; Question & Answer teaching method; Cooperative learning method; Independent learning method.

  4. Teaching procedures

  Step 1: Warming up & Lead-in

  Teacher will sing ‘the letter song’ with students and lead students to review some vowel.

  Step 2: Presentation

  Teacher will chant for students and lead students to find the intonation difference cause by different order of words.

  Step 3: Practice

  1) Students will chant after the tape.

  2) Students will chant in role.

  Step 4: Production

  Teacher will lead students to have a chant competition.

  Step 5: Summary and homework

  Summary: One student will be invited to make a summary.

  Homework: Students should teach their parents this chant and make a recording.

  5. Blackboard design

  Can you be a friend with me?

  A E I O U

  Can you…..? I can…….



