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> 河南专升本英语试题及答案解析


2018-12-24 15:17:21 来源: 库课网校 阅读: 9359 编辑: 李老师



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  Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry that gosintosthe collecting of those fascinating birds and animals that they pay to see in the zoo.One of the questions that is always asked of me is __1____ I became an animal collector in the first __2__ .The answer is that I have always been interested in animals and zoos.According to my parents, the first word I was able to say with any __3__ was not the conventional “mamma” or “daddy”, __4__ the word “zoo”, which I would __5__ over and over again with a shrill_6___ until someone, insgroupsto _7___ me up, would take me to the zoo.When I __8__ a little older, we lived in Greece and I had a great__ 9__ of pets, ranging from owls to seahorses, and I spent all my spare time_10___ the countryside in search of fresh specimens to__11__ to my collection of pets.

  __12__ on I went for a year to the City Zoo, as a student __13__ , to get experience of the large animals, such as lions, bears, bison and ostriches, __14__ were not easy to keep at home.When I left, I__15__ had enough money of my own to be able to __16__ my first trip and I have been going __17__ ever since then.Though a collector's job is not an easy one and is full of __18__ ,it is certainly a job which will appeal __19__ all those who love animals and__20__ .

  1. A.how B.where C.when D.whether

  2. A.region B.field C.place D.case

  3. A.clarity B.emotion C.sentiment D.affection

  4. A.except B.but C.except for D.but for

  5. A.recite B.recognize C.read D.repeat

  6. A.volume B.noise C.voice D.pitch

  7. A.close B.shut C.stop D.comfort

  8. A.grew B.was growing C.grow D.grown

  9. A.many B.amount C.number D.supply

  10.A.living B.cultivating C.reclaiming D.exploring

  11. A.increase B.include C.add D.enrich

  12. A.later B.further C.then D.subsequently

  13. A.attendant B.keeper C.member D.aide

  14. A.who B.they C.of which D.which

  15. A.luckily B.gladly C.nearly D.successfully

  16. A.pay B.provide C.allow D.finance

  17. A.normally B.regularly C.usually D.often

  18. A.expectations B.sorrows C.excitement D.disappointments

  19. A.for B.with C.to D.from

  20. A.excursion B.travel C.journey D.Trip


  1.【答案】A 【解析】根据下一句及随后的内容,作者讲的是怎样成为动物爱好者的(从小就喜欢动物),应当选择A.how。

  2.【答案】C【解析】in the first place是固定短语,意思是“首先”。此句意思是:别人经常问到的问题之一,是当初我是如何爱上动物的。

  3.【答案】A【解析】这句话的意思是:作者在呀呀学语之时,最早发清楚的音是“zoo”(动物园),而不是“妈妈”,“爸爸”,因此,应选clarity“清晰”。填入其他选项emotion (感情),sentiment(多愁善感),affection(友爱)不合逻辑。

  4.【答案】B【解析】but在此处连接另一个句子(it was the word“zoo”,“it was”被省略),表示转折,意为“而是”,Except,except for,but for的用法接近,表示“除了……”。从意思上,逻辑上,都应当选but。

  5.【答案】D【解析】根据后面的over and over again,应选“repeat”

  6.【答案】C【解析】小孩想去动物园,便不停地发出尖叫声,故选“voice”。A shrill voice与scream的意思接近。volume(音量);noise(噪音);pitch(音调)均不合要求。

  7.【答案】B【解析】shut sb.up是指让某人住口,为了让孩子停止尖叫,只好带他去动物园。


  9.【答案】C【解析】a great many后直接跟可数名词的复数形式;a great / large amount of后跟不可数名词;只有a great /large number of后可以跟可数名词的复数形式。


  11.【答案】C【解析】add to相当于increase,增加。其余选项后面都不接to。

  12.【答案】A【解析】later on为固定短语,“后来”。

  13.【答案】D【解析】attendant仆人;keeper可理解为“饲养员”,但是a student keeper容易被误解为“收留学生的人”;aide有“助手”之义。作者一边上学,一边在动物园里打工,只能当助手。



  16.【答案】D【解析】finance my first trip意为“支付我的旅行费用”;pay后应接介词for;其他选项的意思相差甚远。


  18.【答案】D【解析】此句是由though引导的让步状语从句,应与主句意思相对立。选项中,sorrows和disappointments与主句的appeal to相对立,但sorrows的分量太重。

  19.【答案】C【解析】appeal to为成语,意思是“吸引”。





