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> 河南专升本英语语法被动语态


2021-09-18 10:10:51 来源: 库课网校 阅读: 1995 编辑: 李老师



  非谓语作主语 (谓语动词用单数)

  doing 和 to do 可作主语,但含义不同。doing 作主语往往表示一种习惯性经常性的动作,而 to do 作主语却表示一次性的动作。当 doing 和 to do 作主语太长时刻用 it 作形式主语,而把真正的主语放后面。例:

  doing 作主语:

  Painting is his hobby. 绘画是他的爱好。Talking mends no holes. 空谈无济于事。Waiting here is no use. 在这里等是没用的。

  It is no use waiting here. (It 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的 waiting here)

  Sitting in front of the television all day long is a waste of time. 整天坐在电视机旁边是浪费时间的。

  --It is a waste of time sitting in front of the television all day long.

  (It 作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的 sitting in front of the television all day long) Searching for him is worthwhile. 找他是值得的。

  --It is worthwhile searching for him. (It 作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的 searching for him) 固定句式总结:

  It is no use/useless doing sth. 做…是没有用处的。

  It is no good doing sth. 做…是没有好处的。

  It is a waste of time/money doing sth. 做…是浪费时间/金钱的。

  It is fun/enjoyable doing sth. 做...是有趣的。

  It is worth doing sth. 做…是值得的。

  【例】It is no use me not to worry about his injury.[2009]

  A.for you to tell B.your telling C.you tell D.having told

  【解析】B。固定句式:It is no use (形容词性物主代词)doing sth. 告诉我别担心他的伤势是没用的。

  to do 作主语:

  To finish the work in ten minutes is very hard. 十分钟之内完成这项工作是很难的。

  To lose your heart means failure. 灰心意味着失败。

  动词不定式短语作主语时,常用 it 作形式主语,真正的主语不定式置于句后。


  It is very hard to finish the work in ten minutes. 十分钟之内完成这项工作是很难的。

  It means failure to lose your heart. 灰心意味着失败。常用句式有:

  . It+is+形容词+to do sth.

  这类形容词是表示主观的形容词,例如 important, hard/difficult, easy, impossible 等等。

  ‚. It+is+形容词+of sb +to do sth. 某人做…是…的。

  这类形容词是表示人品质的形容词:careless, clever, good, foolish, honest, kind, lazy, nice, right, silly, stupid, wise 等表示赞扬或批评的形容词,不定式前的 sb.可作其逻辑主语。

  ƒ. It+is+形容词+for sb +to do sth. 对某人而言做…是…的。

  这类形容词是表示物性质的形容词:important, easy, difficult, necessary, vital, useless, meaningful, strange 等。

  ④It takes/took sb+时间+to do sth. 做…花费…的时间/金钱。



