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2018-11-17 01:36:17 来源: www.kuke99.com 阅读: 14969 编辑: 超老师










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  (1 )现代城市中持卡的人愈来愈多;




  ① Nowadays, holding cards has become a common phenomenon.② According to a survey, over 80% of people in big cities hold various kinds of cards issued by banks,restaurants, supermarkets,etc.

  ③ There are a number of reasons for it.④ First of all, it is convenient to consume by cards.⑤ What ‘s more, it is safer to carry cards than cash. For example,if one’s cards are lost, the owner needn’t worry too much because no one else can get the money out without the password.⑥ In addition, cards can give card holders certain privilege or discount in service.⑦ Therefore,holding cards, especially among the youth, becomes fashionable recently.

  ⑧ As for me, cards have a bright future. ⑨With the development of science and technology,cards will become much safer and easier to use.⑩ Therefore, it can be concluded that more people will use cards.







  How to Treat the Parent-child Relationship

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  ① More and more people are paying attention to the generation gap between parents and their children. ② Obviously, the generation gap is a source of family disharmony.③ Additionally, it may lead to a number of social problems.④ Therefore, measures should be taken to deal with the issue.

  ⑤ On the one hand,parents should be more tolerant to their children,remembering that a child is a child and there is always such a stage in one,s growth.⑥ On the other hand, children should also understand that without parents ’proper guidance, they won’t be able to grow up healthily.⑦ Finally , parents should spend more time with their children.

  ⑧ Of course, following these suggestions may not surely solve the problem, but it is worth the effort.⑨ As for me, mutual understanding is the key solution.⑩ Undoubtedly, it is essential for both parents and children to understand each other for a good parent-child relationship.







  To Be a Small Fish in a Big Pond or a Big Fish in a Small Pond?

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  ① To the question whether to work in a large enterprise or in a small firm,different people may have different answers.② Some may choose to be a small fish in a big pond.③ They hold that they can derive a sense of pride from being a member of a famous organization such as General Motors.④ Besides,they can work with people from different parts of the world.

  ⑤ Still others may prefer to be a big fish in a small pond.⑥According to them,in a small company, they may be given greater responsibilities without much restriction.⑦ Consequently,they can show their talents fully and freely.

  ⑧ Weighing up these two choices, I am for the latter.⑨I prefer to work in a small enterprise, where I can get more chances/of promotion.⑩ I’d rather become an important figure within my own small pond.







  Wealth and Happiness

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  ① Up to now, many people still hold that wealth can bring happiness.②They believe that with a great amount of money, they must live a happier life.③ However,recent survey shows that wealth is not necessarily associated with happiness.④ The arguments for this point of view can be listed as follows.

  ⑤ Above all, good health plays an important role above wealth in a happy life.⑥ For example, people can buy medicine with money, but cannot buy health.⑦ Furthermore, wealth may encourage those harmful habits which may ruin the wealth owner, such as addition to drugs and gambling.⑧ Most importantly, there is one thing essential to happiness which cannot be bought with wealth一love.

  ⑨ All that has been discussed above shows that wealth is not equal to happiness. © Therefore, we should not be crazy about money and earn it with honest work.







  The Positive and Negative Aspects of Home Computers

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  ① Nowadays, computers have come into people’s home as one of common household appliances.② There is no doubt that like TV, home computers benefit people greatly.③ With the computer, the home becomes a library, a school, an office and an entertainment center.④ All kinds of information can be close at one’s finger tips.⑤ In addition,home computers bring people far away closer to us.

  ⑥ Despite the convenience that home computers bring about, they have disadvantages.⑦ For example, people, especially the youth, may easily get addicted to computer games.⑧ Besides, since nearly everything can be done in front of the computer, we may become more isolated from people around us.

  ⑨ In my opinion, we all should consider how to control home computers, so that they won’t control us.

  ⑩ Only in this way,we all should consider how to control home computers,so that they won’t control us.Only in this way ,can we make full use of them,while avoiding of the side effects.




