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> 学士学位英语模拟试题(2016.11.1)


2016-11-01 14:58:48 来源: www.kuke99.com 阅读: 854 编辑: 超老师


Eagle has the longest life-span of its' species. Eaglecan ___1__ 70 years, but to reach this age, the Eagle must make a harddecision.

___2__ it's 40's,its' long and flexible talons(爪)can no longer grab prey(掠食)which serve as food, its' long and sharp beak(鸟嘴,喙)becomes bent. Its' old-aged and heavywings, due to their thick feathers, become stuck to its' chest and make it ___3__tofly. Then Eagle is left with only two options: die or go through a painfulprocess of change ___4__ lasts 150 days for survival.

The process requires that Eagle fly to a mountain topand sit on its' nest. There the Eagle knocks its' beak ___5__a rock until itplucks(拔去)it out. After plucking it out, Eagle willwait for a new beak to grow back. ___6__its' new talons grow back, the eaglestarts plucking its' old-aged feathers and after five months, eagle can takeits' flight of rebirth and lives for thirty ___7__ years.

Many times, in order to survive, we ___8__ start achange process. We sometimes need to ___9__old memories, habits and other pasttraditions. Only freed from past burdens, can we __10__ the present. (208words)

鹰是世界上寿命最长的鸟类,一生的年龄可达70岁。要活这么长的寿命,在其生命的中期必须做出艰难却重要的决定。因为鹰活到40岁的时候,它的长而灵活爪子开始老化,无法有效地抓住猎物;它的长而尖喙变弯,翅膀也越加沉重,由于厚重的老羽毛,翅膀和胸粘在一起,使得飞翔十分吃力。这时,它只有两种选择:一是等待死亡;二是经历150天痛苦的重整后再生。 选择重整后再生的鹰,要经过一个痛苦更新的过程。它首先要努力地飞到山顶,在悬崖筑巢,这段时间,要用力将又长又弯的喙击打岩石,直到完全脱落,然后等候新的喙长出来;再用长出的新喙将老羽毛一片一片地拔掉。五个月后,待新的羽毛长出后,鹰得以重生,又可以翱翔于广阔的天空,继续后30年的生命旅程。许多次,为了生存,我们必须开始经历变化。有时,我们需要遗弃旧的记忆,习惯和一些老惯例。只有从过去烦恼的尘埃中解脱,我们才能更好地把握现在。

1、A. survive; B. live; C. live with; D. live up to
2、A. In; B. On; C. Of; D. With
3、A. easy; B. difficult; C. hardly; D.difficulty
4、A. who; B. what; C. which; D. it
5、A. against; B. for; C. with; D. on
6、A. Although; B. When; C. Because; D. Therefore
7、A. fewer; B. less; C. many; D. more
8、A. have to; B.will; C. should; D. need
9、A. cherish; B. get rid of; C. keep alive; D. remove from
10、A. look forward to; B. dream of; C. take advantage of; D. free from
