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> 成人学士学位英语考试完形填空练习题(2016.10.26)


2016-10-26 10:24:18 来源: www.kuke99.com 阅读: 1036 编辑: 超老师


Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should choose the ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

People live in groups, which we call societies, and social relations are the subjects 1 in the social sciences.

Men depend on other men and on the world around them. The sun brings them warmth and light, day and night, summer and winter. Plants grow 2 there is air and sunshine, earth and water; animals depend on plants; men depend on water, air, sunshine, and the plants, animals around them.

Wherever people live and 3 they look like, many of their requirements are the 4. They need food and places to live in warmth and sleep. They need a social existence, they need friendships and relationships which will 5 to marriage and family. The members of a society depend on one 6 In different society we find different ways of getting food and different methods of preparing it.

Societies have 7 habits and customs. They teach their children, care for sick people, look after 8 people in various ways. They have different beliefs in life, death, and the world 9 whichthey were born.

Most men want to live in peace. The members of every social group accept certain rules and customs and expect other members to know them. Children are taught to 10 these rules, and what they do in later life depends partly on the habits they learned when they were young.

1. A. studied B. searched C. explained D. learned

2. A. when B. where C. place D. the place

3. A. whatever B. what C. how D. however

4. A. similar B. same C. different D. various

5. A. led B. lead C. leads D. leading

6. A. another B. other C. others D. each other

7. A. some B. a few C. various D. few

8. A. old B. sick C. good D. nice

9. A. in B. into C. around D. round

10. A. remember B. study C. follow D. adapt




3.【解析】A.根据上文中的“Wherever people live”,此处的正确答案应与wherever对应,排除B、C选项;又由于此处引导词在句中用作宾语,排除D选项,故选A.



6.【解析】A.此处考查固定搭配的应用,句中“0ne another”为固定搭配,因此选A项。


8.【解析】A.由上文中的“care for sick people”可以看出,此处应该是照顾老人,故选A项。

9.【解析】B.此处考查固定搭配“be bom into”的应用,选B项。

10.【解析】C.从下文中的“what they do in later life depends partly on the habits they learned when they were young”可以看出,大人教小孩遵守这些规则。因此答案为C选项。
