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> 成人学士学位英语考试练习题:词汇语法选项(2016.10.25)


2016-10-25 09:11:28 来源: www.kuke99.com 阅读: 806 编辑: 超老师


1.When a fire ______ at the National Museum, many valuable paintings were completely destroyed.

A.broke off B. broke out C.broke down D. broke up

2.They think it ______ never to disagree with their employers.

A.politic B. political C.politics D. politician

3.Is there anyone who ______ the plans put forward by the committee?

A.differs B. disagrees C.refuses D. opposes

4.We do not hesitate to give our lives for communism,______ suffer some hardships.

A.let down B. let alone C.leave out D. leave off

5.If you drive a motorcar to the danger of the public, you may make yourself ______ a heavy fine.

A.liable to B. alert to C.acquainted with D. relevant to

6.Children's behavior at home and at school is always a reaction to the way in which they are ______.

A.treated B. remedied C.adjusted D. relieved

7.The once beautiful flowers in the vase had ______.

A.withered B. wandered C.wavered D. wrinkled

8.He's been working too hard and he's ______. He needs a rest.

A.run out B. run down C.run over D. run across

9.Roses are quite ______ flowers in English gardens.

A.ordinary B. common C.usual D. general

10.What did he say in the calss? I really can't ______ it out.

A.make B. run C.put D. come


1.答案B。break out意为“爆发,发生”;break off意为“折断,中断”;break down意为“拆毁,破坏”;break up意为“打碎,拆散”。根据句意,B项正确。

2.答案A。 politic“(指人)精明的”;political意为“政治的”;politics意为“政治学”;politician意为“从政者,热心政治者,(贬义)政客”。根据题意,A为正确答案。

3.答案D。 oppose意为“反对”,是一及物动词;A项differ意为“不同”,是一不及物动词,后接介词from;B项disagree意为“不同意”,后接介词with;C项refuse意为“拒绝”,主要接动词不定式,有时也跟名词,如refuse a gift,refuse premission等,不过,refuse不与plans搭配;A、B、C三项均可排除。

4.答案B。 let alone在本题中意为“更别提,更不用说”,为一并列复合连词,它可连接的不是两个句子,而是两个并列的句子成份,常用在否定句或含有否定意义的句子后面,以进一步表明情况。又如:I can't speak French,let alone Russian.我不会说法语,更不用说俄语了。let down意为“放下,使失望”;leave out意为“遗漏,省略”;leave off意为“停止,中断”。A.C.D三项明显不合句意,均可排除。

5.答案A。 liable to意为“有…倾向的,易于…的”;alert to意为“对…警惕的”;acquainted with意为“使…熟悉”;relevant to意为“与…相关,与…有关”。

6.答案A。 treat意为“对待;治疗”,本题取其“对待”之意;remedy意为“补救”;adjust意为“调整,校准;relieve意为“减轻,使宽慰”。

7. 答案A。 wither意为“枯萎,凋谢”;B项wander意为“徘徊,流浪,漫游”;C项waver意为“摇摆,动摇,犹豫”;D项wrinkle意为“起皱纹”。故A项正确。

8.答案B。 B项run down有“撞倒,(使)变得虚弱(衰弱)”的意思,本题中取其“(使)变得虚弱(衰弱)”之意,用其过去分词形式作表语;A项run out意为“(某物)用光,耗尽”;C项run over意为“溢出,(汽车等)轧过、D项run across意为”偶然遇见,偶然发现“。

9.答案B。 common意为“普通的,到处可见的”;ordinary意为“平常的,平凡的”;usual意为“通常的”,强调时间;general意为“普遍的,一般的”。

10.答案A。 make out意为“理解,看清楚,辨认出”;run out意为“用完;缺少”;put out意为“熄灭;逐出”;come out意为“出版;显现”。根据句意,A项正确。
